Rise of Non-Alcoholic Beverage Culture

SOURCE www.cnn.com
The Zero Co is a non-alcoholic bottle shop in Atlanta that offers zero proof beer, wine, and spirits. It is part of a growing trend of people opting out of alcohol consumption, with a rise in sober curious and mindful sobriety movements. The market for non-alcoholic options is expanding, with more establishments offering high-quality alternatives to traditional alcoholic beverages.

Key Points

  • Rise of sober curious and mindful sobriety movements
  • Growing market for non-alcoholic beverages
  • Increased demand for high-quality non-alcoholic alternatives
  • Challenges with pricing and availability of non-alcoholic options


  • Provides high-quality non-alcoholic beverage options for those looking to cut back on alcohol consumption
  • Reflects a growing trend of mindful sobriety and self-optimization in society
  • Encourages inclusivity and care for individuals who choose to be alcohol-free


  • High price point for non-alcoholic beverages compared to traditional alcoholic counterparts
  • Limited availability of non-alcoholic options in some establishments may deter potential customers
  • Perception of non-alcoholic beverages as poor imitations of alcoholic drinks