Comparison of President Joe Biden and Donald Trump's religious beliefs and political support

President Joe Biden is a regular churchgoer, while Donald Trump, his challenger, rarely appears in church and compares himself to Jesus Christ. Trump's Easter message on the Truth Social app was full of criticism towards opponents and the justice system, despite his own controversial history. Despite this, Trump maintains strong support from white evangelical Christians who see him as standing up for their religious beliefs.

Key Points

  • President Joe Biden emphasizes the importance of religious faith in his personal life.
  • Donald Trump compares himself to Jesus Christ and uses religious rhetoric for political benefit.
  • White evangelical Christians support Trump despite his controversial history and actions.


  • President Joe Biden is a lifelong Catholic who attends Mass regularly and emphasizes the importance of religious faith in his life.


  • Donald Trump, who rarely attends church and has a controversial past, compares himself to Jesus Christ and uses religious rhetoric for political gain.