Joe Biden's Campaign Strategy in Florida

Despite Florida historically leaning Republican, Joe Biden's campaign believes it has a chance to win the state in the upcoming election, focusing on key issues like abortion. The campaign plans to contrast the administration's policies with the GOP's agenda in Florida, aiming to mobilize voters around these topics.

Key Points

  • Biden's campaign plans to contrast its policies with the GOP's in Florida
  • Abortion rights will be a central issue in the upcoming election
  • Democrats hope to leverage the abortion issue to win over voters
  • Biden's campaign has a cash advantage over Trump in Florida


  • Biden's campaign believes it has a pathway to victory in Florida despite historical Republican dominance
  • Focusing on key issues like abortion could help mobilize voters in the state
  • Democrats have a significant cash advantage over Trump and national Republican committees


  • Florida has historically been a Republican stronghold
  • Republicans in Florida have strong political power and voter registration advantage