World Billionaires

Forbes has identified a record 2,781 billionaires worldwide with a total wealth of $14.2 trillion. The United States leads with 67 new billionaires, followed by China and India. Notable newcomers include Taylor Swift, Magic Johnson, and Christian Louboutin. The majority of new billionaires are self-made, with the youngest being 19-year-old Livia Voigt. Technology and manufacturing sectors saw significant growth in billionaire numbers.

Key Points

  • Record 2,781 billionaires with $14.2 trillion in wealth
  • United States, China, and India see significant new billionaire additions
  • Notable newcomers include Taylor Swift, Magic Johnson, and Christian Louboutin
  • Majority of new billionaires are self-made
  • Technology and manufacturing sectors show substantial growth


  • Record number of billionaires globally
  • Significant increase in wealth and new billionaires
  • Diverse representation from various countries and industries


  • Growing wealth gap between billionaires and the rest of the population
  • Potential concentration of power and influence in the hands of a few individuals