American Core Values and Democracy

Despite deep political polarization, most Americans share core beliefs about what it means to be American, such as the importance of rights like voting and privacy. However, there is discontent with the functioning of democracy. The survey shows differences in perspectives based on political affiliation and age groups.

Key Points

  • Most Americans value the right to vote, equal protection under the law, privacy, and freedom of religion
  • There are concerns about the functioning of democracy despite agreement on core values
  • Differences exist on issues like the right to bear arms and immigration based on political affiliation
  • Younger Americans are less likely to view the U.S. as a well-functioning democracy


  • Americans share core beliefs about important rights and values
  • The survey highlights common ground despite political polarization


  • Only about 3 in 10 Americans believe the nation's democracy is functioning well
  • Differences in perspectives based on political affiliation and age groups