Arrest of Luis Rubiales in Corruption Probe

Former president of Spain's soccer federation, Luis Rubiales, was arrested as part of a corruption probe by Spanish police but released. The investigation is looking into business deals while he ran the federation, including moving the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia. Rubiales also faced a trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a player at the Women's World Cup final.

Key Points

  • Rubiales arrested in a corruption probe related to business deals during his presidency
  • Investigation includes the move of the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia
  • Rubiales also faced trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a player at the Women's World Cup
  • Pressure for new elections in the Spanish soccer federation


  • Judicial institutions working to uncover corruption
  • Pressure for accountability in sports organizations
  • Potential for positive changes in the Spanish soccer federation


  • Allegations of corruption and misconduct by a high-profile sports figure
  • Reputational damage to Spain and soccer federation
  • Controversial decision to move the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia