California Forever: A Bold Solution to California's Housing Crisis

The article discusses the ambitious project of building a new town called California Forever in Solano County, California, to address the state's housing crisis. The project faces challenges due to its secretive acquisition tactics, opposition from locals and environmental groups, and concerns about exacerbating the housing problem. The founder, Jan Sramek, aims to create a walkable community with renewable energy sources and modern amenities.

Key Points

  • Jan Sramek's ambitious project aims to build a new town, California Forever, in Solano County, California
  • The project faces challenges including opposition from locals, environmental concerns, and accusations of secretive land acquisition tactics
  • Critics worry the project may worsen California's housing crisis and lead to gentrification


  • Addresses California's housing crisis with an innovative approach
  • Plans for a sustainable, walkable community with modern amenities and renewable energy sources


  • Faces opposition due to secretive land acquisition tactics
  • Concerns about exacerbating housing problems and gentrification