Controversy over Transgender Students in Girls' Sports

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers vetoed a bill that would protect girls' sports, sparking controversy between Democrats and Republicans over transgender students' participation in sports.

Key Points

  • Governor Tony Evers vetoed a bill that would ban transgender students from choosing sports teams based on their gender identity
  • Republicans argue the bill aims to protect biological girls in sports
  • Democrats support LGBTQ rights and inclusivity in sports


  • Governor Evers supports LGBTQ rights and inclusivity
  • Democrats argue that the bill harms LGBTQ Wisconsinites and kids' mental health
  • Evers vows to defend LGBTQ rights and keep them safe


  • Republicans argue the bill is necessary to protect the safety, fairness, and comfort of biological girls in sports
  • Critics claim Evers' veto disrespects women and girls and ignores popular support for the bill