Meeting between Muslim American Community Leaders and President Joe Biden on Gaza Conflict

Palestinian American doctor expresses deep emotional distress during meeting with President Joe Biden regarding the situation in Gaza, leaving early to convey the pain of his community. Other Muslim American community leaders also express concerns over Biden's support of Israel in the conflict with Hamas. Biden pledges to not call for a permanent cease-fire until all hostages are released, while promising to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza. Muslim American leaders attend meeting with Biden and Harris, discussing the need for urgent action to end the conflict and deliver aid to Gaza.

Key Points

  • Emotional distress of Palestinian American doctor during the meeting
  • Biden's pledge to not call for a permanent cease-fire until hostages are released
  • Muslim American community leaders expressing urgency for action and aid delivery in Gaza


  • Muslim American community leaders are able to directly express their concerns and perspectives to President Biden and Vice President Harris.
  • Biden pledges to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza and expresses willingness to push back against any efforts to obstruct aid delivery.


  • Deepening tensions between Muslim and Arab American communities and the administration over the president's support of Israel in the conflict with Hamas.
  • Concerns raised by attendees regarding the dismissive nature of the administration towards their calls for immediate action and aid delivery.