US-Israel F-15 Fighter Jet Deal Amid Criticism of Airstrikes

The White House is urging Congress to approve an $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel despite criticism of Israeli airstrikes. The deal includes more than 50 planes, munitions, and training services, with delivery in at least five years. Biden's administration is growing increasingly critical of Israel's airstrike campaign in Gaza following the mistaken killing of seven aid workers.

Key Points

  • The $18 billion F-15 fighter jet deal includes munitions and training services
  • Delivery of the F-15s to Israel is at least five years away
  • Israel's reliance on F-15s for defense against regional powers like Iran
  • Growing criticism of Israeli airstrikes by the Biden administration


  • Enhances Israel's defense capabilities
  • Strengthens Israel's deterrent against regional threats like Iran


  • Ramped-up criticism of Israeli airstrikes by the Biden administration