Airlifting Stranded Killer Whale Calf

Canadian authorities plan to airlift a stranded killer whale calf out of a remote tidal lagoon to reunite it with its extended family after its pregnant mother died. The rescue involves lifting the 2-year-old orca by helicopter and placing it in a net pen in the ocean until its family pod is near for release.

Key Points

  • Canadian Fisheries Department and First Nations working together for the rescue
  • Cultural and spiritual significance of orcas to Ehattesaht First Nation
  • Rescue plan involves airlifting the 2-year-old calf by helicopter


  • Efforts to reunite the orphaned killer whale calf with its extended family
  • Utilizing helicopter airlift to transport the calf to the ocean for release


  • The young whale has been unable to leave the area since its mother's death
  • The situation highlights the vulnerability of marine wildlife