Call for Justice Sonia Sotomayor to Step Down

Democratic senator urges Justice Sonia Sotomayor to consider stepping down to allow Democrats to select her replacement, citing the lesson from late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's tenure. The idea has gained momentum, with concerns about ensuring a more progressive successor under Biden compared to a potential far-right choice by Trump.

Key Points

  • Democratic senator suggests Sotomayor should weigh stepping down to allow for a replacement under Biden
  • Concerns raised about a potential far-right replacement by Trump if Sotomayor remains on the court
  • Debate within the liberal legal community on the importance of a 7-2 court balance


  • Potential for a more progressive replacement under Biden
  • Avoiding a potential far-right replacement under Trump


  • Loss of a super-progressive Latina justice
  • Possibility of a more centrist replacement