Capitol Riot Involving Nicholas Kennedy with Ties to Proud Boys

Nicholas Kennedy, a man with ties to the Proud Boys, pleaded guilty to felonies involving the Capitol riot and faces a likely prison sentence. His actions on January 6th included breaching police barriers, pushing at officers, and making his way into the Capitol building. Kennedy wiped his iPhone clean after learning authorities were seeking information. He was found guilty of civil disorder, tampering with records, and obstruction of an official proceeding.

Key Points

  • Nicholas Kennedy pleaded guilty to civil disorder and tampering with records, found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding.
  • Faces likely prison sentence of 18 to 24 months, maximum of 20 years possible.
  • Involved in breaching police barriers, pushing at officers, and entering the Capitol building on January 6.
  • Wiped his iPhone clean to prevent authorities from obtaining evidence.
  • Connected with William Chrestman, a key player in the Capitol breach.


  • Justice being served for involvement in the Capitol riot.


  • Damage to the Capitol totaling over $2.9 million.
  • Potential impact on sentences and cases if Supreme Court rules prosecutors misused the law.