Civil Rights Movement and Tragedies Faced by the King Family

Daughter of Atlanta minister, Alberta Williams King, played a crucial role in the Civil Rights movement and experienced multiple tragedies. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination did not kill his dream, as his niece Alveda King stated. The King family endured various losses, including Rev. A.D. King and Alberta King. The article highlights key locations in the civil rights movement and the challenges faced by activists. The Monson Motor Lodge incident was a significant event that contributed to the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Key Points

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, Alveda King, emphasized that his dream is still alive
  • The King family endured several tragedies, including the assassination of Rev. A.D. King and the shocking death of Alberta King


  • Highlighting the contributions of Alberta Williams King to the Civil Rights movement
  • Emphasizing the resilience of Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream despite his assassination


  • Tragic events faced by the King family, including multiple deaths under mysterious circumstances