Mercury Contamination in Yanomami Tribe

Many Yanomami in the Amazon have been contaminated with mercury from illegal gold mining, leading to severe health problems. The contamination levels exceed safety standards set by the EPA and WHO, raising concerns about long-term effects on the community.

Key Points

  • Mercury contamination in Yanomami tribe due to illegal gold mining
  • Health risks exceed safety standards set by EPA and WHO
  • Long-term effects on community's health and well-being


  • Research sheds light on the severe health risks faced by the Yanomami tribe due to mercury contamination.
  • Raises awareness about the detrimental impact of illegal gold mining on Indigenous communities.


  • The Yanomami tribe is facing immediate and long-term health consequences due to the high levels of mercury contamination.
  • The Brazilian government's response to the issue has been insufficient, leaving the tribe vulnerable to further harm.