Migrants on Terrorism Watch List Released into US

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee are questioning DHS Secretary Mayorkas about migrants on the Terrorist Watch List being released into the US. Cases of suspected terrorists being apprehended at the border and in the interior have raised concerns about national security.

Key Points

  • Cases of migrants on the Terrorism Watch List being released into the US have been reported
  • Concerns about potential national security risks and effectiveness of screening processes
  • Lawsuit alleges DHS Secretary Mayorkas withheld information on migrants matching Terrorist Watch List suspects


  • Increased scrutiny on DHS practices regarding suspected terrorists entering the US
  • Calls for more transparency and accountability in handling individuals on the Terrorist Watch List


  • Potential threat to national security if suspected terrorists are released into the country
  • Concerns raised about the effectiveness of border security and screening processes