College Financial Aid Delays

College financial aid packages are delayed due to issues with the new FAFSA form, leading some schools to send provisional offers while others wait for more reliable data. Mixed-status families face additional challenges in the application process.

Key Points

  • New FAFSA form causing delays in financial aid packages
  • Some institutions sending provisional offers while others wait for more reliable data
  • Mixed-status families experiencing difficulties in the application process


  • Efforts to send aid offers out as soon as possible to give students time to weigh their options.
  • Schools like Cal Poly Pomona and Towson University are being transparent and flexible to support students.


  • Data from the FAFSA form is riddled with errors or incompletions, causing delays and confusion for students and families.
  • Mixed-status families face challenges, with some parents without a social security number struggling to fill out the new form.