Controversy over Approval of Charter School Network Training Teachers in North Carolina

A charter school network in North Carolina has been approved to train teachers despite some Republican members of the State Board of Education disagreeing with the approval due to concerns about Critical Race Theory being taught.

Key Points

  • Approval of KIPP North Carolina to offer an educator preparation program
  • Debate over whether KIPP will be teaching Critical Race Theory
  • State board split 6-4 in favor of KIPP's application
  • KIPP emphasizes college preparation and student discipline
  • Efforts to address achievement gap between Black and white students


  • Increased pipeline of teachers for charter schools in low-income areas
  • Focus on literacy and math skills in teacher training
  • Efforts to address historical inequities in the public school system


  • Concerns about teaching Critical Race Theory
  • Disagreement among State Board of Education members