Elizabeth Hurley stars in an erotic thriller directed by her son, featuring a lesbian sex scene with actress Pear Chiravara. The movie, Strictly Confidential, follows a woman haunted by her friend's suicide and unravels deadly secrets. Hurley dropped everything to participate in her son's film debut in the Caribbean.
Key Points
Elizabeth Hurley stars in an erotic thriller directed by her son
Movie features a lesbian sex scene between Hurley and actress Pear Chiravara
Plot revolves around a woman haunted by her friend's suicide and unravels deadly secrets
Hurley dropped everything to participate in her son's film debut in the Caribbean
Elizabeth Hurley's involvement in the film brings star power and interest to the project
The storyline of the movie, Strictly Confidential, promises mystery and intrigue
The topic of suicide and deadly secrets may be triggering for some viewers