Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman potentially sabotaging Joe Biden's reelection bid through oil price manipulation

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is potentially sabotaging Joe Biden's reelection bid by manipulating oil prices, which could impact Biden's popularity as they rise. This tactic was used successfully in the past to lower Biden's approval ratings. The increase in oil prices is partly due to production cuts agreed upon by OPEC+, led by Saudi Arabia. Russia is also benefiting from high oil prices in its conflict with Ukraine. The relationship between Biden and MBS has been strained due to various disagreements, including the handling of journalist Jamal Khashoggi's death and the nuclear deal with Iran.

Key Points

  • Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's role in influencing oil prices to potentially impact Joe Biden's reelection bid
  • Past correlation between rising oil prices and decreasing Biden's approval ratings
  • OPEC+ production cuts led by Saudi Arabia contributing to the surge in oil prices
  • Impact of high oil prices on Russia's conflict with Ukraine
  • Strained relationship between Biden and MBS due to various disagreements


  • Saudi Arabia's ability to influence oil prices can impact global politics and economies.


  • Potentially manipulating oil prices for political gain undermines trust and stability in the energy market.