Upcoming Hurricane Season Forecast

SOURCE www.yahoo.com
The upcoming hurricane season is expected to be extremely active with above-average number of named storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes. Factors contributing to this forecast include record-breaking high temperatures in the Atlantic and a potential shift from El Niño to La Niña weather phenomena.

Key Points

  • Forecast calls for 23 named storms, 11 hurricanes, and 5 major hurricanes.
  • Record-breaking high temperatures in the Atlantic contribute to the forecast.
  • Shift from El Niño to La Niña weather phenomena could further enhance storm formation.
  • ACE metric predicts a very high level of accumulated cyclonic energy for the season.


  • Early forecast allows time for preparation and awareness for coastal states.
  • Increased confidence in forecast due to multiple sources pointing to an active season.
  • Focus on key metrics like ACE provides insights into the strength of the overall season.


  • High number of predicted storms does not guarantee more landfalls, but increases the odds.
  • Potential impact on coastal states, particularly Florida, requires heightened preparedness.