Americans' Views on Presidential Power and Partisanship

A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC finds that Americans are more willing to support expanded presidential power if the candidate from their party wins the presidency. Views on presidential power are heavily influenced by party affiliation, with Republicans more likely to support expanded power for a Republican president and vice versa. The poll highlights increasing polarization and a willingness to push the boundaries of the political framework that has kept the U.S. a stable democracy for over two centuries.

Key Points

  • Americans are more willing to support expanded presidential power if the candidate from their party wins the presidency
  • Polarization is leading to a reevaluation of the traditional political framework
  • Views on presidential power are heavily influenced by party affiliation


  • Highlights the influence of party affiliation on views regarding presidential power
  • Brings attention to increasing polarization and its impact on the political landscape


  • Reveals a willingness to compromise on principles based on party allegiance
  • Raises concerns about the potential erosion of checks and balances in the U.S. political system