Legal Dispute over House Subpoenas

U.S. District Court Judge Ana Reyes criticizes Department of Justice for not complying with House subpoenas while Peter Navarro is in prison for similar conduct. Navarro is serving a sentence for defying a subpoena from the January 6 Committee. DOJ is shielding two lawyers from subpoenas in an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Judge Reyes, a Biden appointee, accuses DOJ of hypocrisy and orders both parties to work out a deal.

Key Points

  • Peter Navarro is in prison for defying a House subpoena
  • DOJ lawyers Mark Daly and Jack Morgan are shielded from House subpoenas in an impeachment inquiry
  • U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes criticizes DOJ for hypocrisy in not complying with subpoenas
  • Judge Reyes orders parties to work out a deal


  • Upholding the principle of compliance with congressional subpoenas
  • Ensuring accountability and transparency in government actions


  • Potential misuse of legal processes for political purposes
  • Conflict between executive and legislative branches