Conflict between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Speaker Mike Johnson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene escalates war against Speaker Mike Johnson by filing a motion to vacate his chair, citing violations of conference rules and promises to voters. Greene accuses Johnson of working with Democrats, funding agendas conservatives oppose, and failing to address immigration surge. Johnson faces criticism for actions on FISA authorization and foreign aid funding for Ukraine.

Key Points

  • Greene filed a motion to vacate Speaker Johnson's chair, accusing him of violating party rules and promises to voters
  • Johnson faced criticism for passing a $1.2 trillion funding plan with Democrat support and bypassing Republican opposition
  • Greene highlights concerns about Johnson's collaboration with Democrats and funding agendas opposed by conservatives


  • Greene's actions highlight accountability in leadership
  • Raises awareness about potential violations of party rules and promises to voters


  • Internal party conflict can lead to division and distraction
  • May impact legislative progress and unity within the party