Decline in Public Support for Electric Vehicles in the US

Public support for transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs) has dropped significantly in the US according to Gallup polls. Factors contributing to this decline include the impracticality of EVs, high upfront costs, maintenance expenses, and inconvenience of charging. The Biden administration and media hype around EVs as a distraction from high gas prices may have initially boosted interest, but the reality of ownership has led to decreased demand.

Key Points

  • Public support for EVs has declined in the US according to Gallup polls
  • Factors contributing to the decline include cost, maintenance, and charging inconveniences
  • EVs are more attractive to higher-income individuals
  • Challenges in charging infrastructure need to be addressed for EVs to become mainstream


  • EVs may be a status symbol for those who can afford them
  • Suitable for individuals with regular commutes and predictable driving patterns


  • High upfront costs for purchasing EVs
  • Increased maintenance expenses and tire wear
  • Inconvenience and uncertainty related to charging
  • Most electricity used to charge EVs comes from burning fossil fuels