Deepfake Pornography and AI Regulation

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demands crackdown on AI due to deepfake pornographic image in her likeness, leading to the crafting of a new law to address non-consensual deepfakes.

Key Points

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demands crackdown on AI after being targeted with deepfake pornographic image
  • Proposed law would amend the Violence Against Women Act to address deepfake pornography
  • Taylor Swift also faced similar experience with AI-generated deepfake images
  • 98% of all deepfake videos are fabricated pornography


  • Proposed law aims to protect victims of deepfake pornography
  • Would allow legal action against producers and distributors of non-consensual deepfakes


  • Increased ease of creating realistic deepfake images and videos
  • Negative psychological impact on victims and viewers