Financial Struggles of News Channel TalkTV and News UK's Broadcasting Outlets

Rupert Murdoch's news channel TalkTV experienced significant financial losses and was ultimately taken off air after failing to attract viewers. The channel will transition to a streaming-only model, with layoffs expected as part of a restructuring. Other broadcasting outlets under News UK posted profits, while The Times and The Sunday Times saw a decrease in profits due to market challenges and higher costs. The Sun and The Sun on Sunday also incurred losses, partially attributed to Facebook algorithm changes.

Key Points

  • TalkTV incurred losses of £88m in two years before being taken off air
  • Channel to transition to a streaming-only model
  • The Times and The Sunday Times saw profits decrease due to market challenges
  • The Sun and The Sun on Sunday incurred losses due to Facebook algorithm changes


  • News UK remains confident in its ability to deliver news and views via streamed and online video
  • Other broadcasting outlets under News UK posted profits


  • Significant financial losses experienced by TalkTV
  • Layoffs expected as part of News UK's restructuring