Kidnapping Epidemic in Nigeria

A father in Nigeria recounts the traumatic kidnapping of his four sons by armed men, the struggles to negotiate for their release, and the ongoing threats and demands from the kidnappers even after partial release.

Key Points

  • Kidnapping epidemic in Nigeria has become a significant security threat
  • Armed groups demand high ransoms, putting families in difficult situations
  • Systemic security failings and lack of development contribute to the issue


  • Sheds light on the prevalent issue of mass kidnappings by armed groups in Nigeria
  • Highlights the traumatic experiences faced by victims and their families
  • Brings attention to the challenges of negotiating with kidnappers for ransom


  • Recounts a harrowing and distressing account of violence and fear
  • Illustrates the lack of security and development in certain regions of Nigeria
  • Emphasizes the ongoing threat and trauma experienced by the family even after partial release