Mexico's Billionaires' Wealth Under President Lopez Obrador

Mexico's billionaires have seen their wealth soar under President Lopez Obrador despite his anti-billionaire rhetoric, with the top five richest individuals doubling their net worth. The president's policies, including a strong peso rally and fiscal austerity, have contributed to the billionaires' financial gains. Despite public criticism and promises of wealth redistribution, little has been done to challenge the dominant market position of the billionaire class.

Key Points

  • Billionaires' net worth has ballooned $79 billion under Lopez Obrador.
  • AMLO oversaw a 25% gain in the peso, benefiting the billionaires.
  • Despite public criticism, AMLO has not significantly challenged the wealthy elite's market dominance.


  • Billionaires' net worth has significantly increased under President Lopez Obrador's tenure.
  • Policies such as a strong peso rally and fiscal austerity have contributed to billionaires' financial gains.


  • Little has been done to challenge the dominant market position of Mexico's billionaires.
  • Despite anti-billionaire rhetoric, the wealthy elite continue to thrive.