Sexual Abuse Allegations against Dr. Derrick Todd

Dr. Derrick Todd, a former rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, is accused of sexually abusing more than 200 women by performing unnecessary pelvic floor therapy, breast examinations, testicular examinations, and rectal examinations. The lawsuit alleges that Todd began abusing patients in 2010 and involved multiple defendants who failed to stop the abuse. Todd has reached a voluntary agreement to stop practicing medicine anywhere in the country.

Key Points

  • Dr. Derrick Todd is accused of sexually abusing over 200 women with unnecessary exams.
  • The abuse allegedly started in 2010 and involved multiple defendants.
  • Todd reached an agreement to stop practicing medicine.
  • Victims reported emotional and psychological impacts from the abuse.


  • Victims have come forward to seek justice against the alleged abuser.
  • The hospital took action by launching an internal investigation and terminating Todd's employment.
  • The Board of Registration in Medicine reached an agreement with Todd to stop practicing medicine.


  • Over 200 women and several men were allegedly victims of sexual abuse by Dr. Todd.
  • The lawsuit accuses multiple defendants of knowing about the abuse and failing to stop it.
  • The victims experienced long-lasting emotional and psychological impacts from the abuse.