Squatters Burn Million-Dollar Home in Brooklyn

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
A New York City man's million-dollar home in Brooklyn was set on fire by squatters, causing $900,000 in damage. The homeowner struggles to get rid of the squatters who continuously return, posing a safety risk. The incident highlights ongoing issues with squatters in the area.

Key Points

  • Homeowner struggles to remove squatters who pose a safety risk
  • Squatter intentionally started the fire that caused $900,000 in damage
  • Ongoing issues with squatters in New York City highlighted


  • Raises awareness about the challenges homeowners face with squatters
  • Sheds light on the need for stronger laws against squatting


  • Property damage and financial loss for the homeowner
  • Safety concerns for the homeowner due to the presence of squatters