Trial of Samuel Woodward for the Murder of Blaze Bernstein

Samuel Woodward is expected to stand trial for the murder of University of Pennsylvania student Blaze Bernstein, who was stabbed to death in an act of hate. Woodward, charged with a hate crime, pleaded not guilty. The case involves DNA evidence linking Woodward to the killing and his affiliation with a neo-Nazi group.

Key Points

  • Woodward charged with stabbing to death Blaze Bernstein, a 19-year-old gay, Jewish college sophomore
  • DNA evidence linked Woodward to the killing and his cellphone contained hate group materials
  • Woodward sought to become a member of a neo-Nazi group and had a history of making threats online


  • Justice being sought for the victim and his family
  • Highlighting the dangers of hate crimes and extremism


  • Tragic loss of a young life
  • Presence of hate and prejudice in society