California Gov. Gavin Newsom addressing the homelessness crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom addresses homelessness crisis and businesses leaving the state in an exclusive interview with Fox News. A state audit found that the council failed to track how billions of dollars have been spent on tackling the crisis. Homelessness in California has increased from 151,000 in 2019 to 181,000 in 2024 despite significant spending.

Key Points

  • State audit reveals lack of tracking and evaluation of spending on homelessness programs.
  • Homelessness in California has increased despite significant spending.
  • Concerns raised about the effectiveness of the state's efforts in addressing homelessness.


  • Significant progress made in recent years to address homelessness at the state level.
  • State audit report highlights issues with tracking spending and outcomes of homelessness programs.
  • Awareness raised about the challenges faced by California in tackling homelessness.


  • Failure to track how billions of dollars have been spent on addressing the homelessness crisis.
  • Increase in homelessness from 151,000 in 2019 to 181,000 in 2024 despite substantial spending.
  • Lack of accurate and reliable data regarding program participants and bed inventory.