Cicada Emergence in the United States

Billions of cicadas are expected to swarm in more than a dozen states, creating ideal fishing conditions. These periodical cicadas emerge every 13 or 17 years, with two broods rising together for the first time in 221 years. The mating and life cycle of cicadas are unique and fascinating.

Key Points

  • Cicadas emerge every 13 or 17 years in the eastern United States
  • This year marks the first time in 221 years that two broods have risen together
  • Cicadas undergo a unique mating and life cycle process


  • Cicadas create ideal fishing conditions
  • Cicadas aerate lawns and improve water filtration
  • Cicadas add nutrients to the soil as they decompose


  • Cicadas can damage young trees
  • Dead cicada bodies can pile up and smell
  • Their loud sounds while mating can be disturbing