Convicted Murderer Joran van der Sloot and Natalee Holloway Case

Former federal prosecutor Francey Hakes assesses convicted murderer Joran van der Sloot's confession of killing Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005 and his current situation in a Peruvian prison.

Key Points

  • Joran van der Sloot confessed to killing Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005
  • He is currently serving time in a Peruvian prison for the murder of Stephany Flores
  • Van der Sloot has a history of violent and manipulative behavior
  • Prison conditions in Peru are harsh and challenging for inmates


  • Justice being served for the victims
  • Potential closure for the families involved


  • Continued suffering and trauma for the families of the victims
  • Van der Sloot's behavior and actions in prison