Debate between Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Mitch McConnell on 'Ukraine first policy'

Sen. Rand Paul challenges Sen. Mitch McConnell to a debate on the 'Ukraine first policy' and criticizes McConnell for supporting continued monetary aid to Ukraine. Paul argues that borrowing money to send abroad is irresponsible and that the U.S. has many unmet needs to address before aiding other countries.

Key Points

  • Sen. Paul criticizes McConnell's support for sending monetary aid to Ukraine
  • McConnell is accused of being involved in fighting the 'isolationist movement' within the Republican Party
  • Paul challenges McConnell to a debate on the 'Ukraine first policy'
  • Paul argues that the U.S. should address domestic needs before providing foreign aid


  • Sen. Rand Paul advocates for fiscal conservatism and addressing domestic needs before aiding foreign countries.


  • Sen. Mitch McConnell supports continued monetary aid to Ukraine and is criticized for being part of the 'GOP isolationism' movement.