Debate Over Gender Transitioning for Children

A major review in the UK found that the evidence for helping children change gender, including 'social transitioning' and hormone blockers, is based on shaky foundations. The report calls for major changes in how the NHS treats trans children, including ending hormone drug use for under-18s.

Key Points

  • The NHS has ended the use of hormone blockers for children under 18
  • The rationale for giving children puberty blockers is unclear
  • There is weak evidence that hormone blockers help mental health
  • Puberty blockers may not 'pause' puberty as previously believed
  • Children with gender-related distress should be treated more holistically


  • The evidence for gender transitioning for children is based on shaky foundations
  • Hormone drugs should no longer be given to under-18s
  • Clinical guidelines lack rigor and transparency
  • Poor quality of published studies in the field
  • Uncertainty about the long-lasting effects of puberty blockers
  • Concerns about the holistic treatment approach for children with gender-related distress