Political Power Struggle Between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Speaker Mike Johnson

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene threatens to oust Speaker Mike Johnson for passing Biden administration's agenda. Greene insists on handling FISA reauthorization and funding Ukraine's war effort. Johnson faces obstacles in including warrant requirements in FISA bill. Trump calls to 'kill' FISA. Johnson now prioritizes funding Ukraine despite previous opposition. Greene criticizes funding Ukraine over addressing the southern border. Greene discusses Johnson's handling of government funding and omnibus bill.

Key Points

  • Greene threatens to oust Speaker Johnson over passing Biden administration's agenda
  • Johnson faces obstacles in FISA reauthorization due to absence of warrant requirements
  • Trump calls to 'kill' FISA, influencing decision-making
  • Johnson shifts stance on funding Ukraine, facing criticism from Greene
  • Greene emphasizes addressing the southern border before funding Ukraine
  • Discussion on government funding and omnibus bill


  • Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene standing up for Republican values
  • Discussion on important political issues like FISA reauthorization and funding Ukraine


  • Internal conflict within the Republican Party
  • Potential disruption in party unity