Real-life Rosies Receive Congressional Medal of Honor

Real-life Rosies, women who worked in factories and shipyards during WWII, are being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor nearly eight decades after their contributions to the war effort. Their stories are being preserved at the Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park in Richmond, California.

Key Points

  • Real-life Rosies are finally being recognized with the Congressional Medal of Honor
  • Their stories are preserved at the Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park in Richmond, California
  • Phyllis Gould and Mae Krier played significant roles in gaining recognition for Rosies


  • Recognition of the important contributions of women during WWII
  • Preservation of the stories of real-life Rosies for future generations


  • Many women were forced out of their jobs after the war when men returned
  • Gender inequality and unequal pay experienced by some Rosies