Yanomami Indigenous People Seeking Support from Pope Francis

SOURCE www.aol.com
A Yanomami representative met with Pope Francis to seek support for Brazilian President Lula's efforts to protect indigenous people from illegal miners in the Amazon rainforest. The Pope agreed to talk to Lula and address the threats of water poisoning and deforestation in the Yanomami territory.

Key Points

  • Yanomami territory invaded by illegal miners causing harm to the community
  • Brazilian President Lula's administration announced aid for the Yanomami community
  • Pope Francis agreed to talk to Lula to support protection of the Yanomami people


  • Yanomami representative seeking support for protection of indigenous people
  • Pope Francis showing interest in addressing environmental issues in the Amazon


  • Illegal miners causing malnutrition and deaths among the Yanomami people
  • Destruction of Yanomami territory by gold miners and cattle ranching