Civil War - A Film by Alex Garland

A near-future film by Alex Garland, Civil War, portrays a divided United States facing societal breakdown and chaos. The story follows a group of journalists on a perilous journey to interview the president amidst a government collapse and insurrection. The film explores themes of freedom and tyranny, love and hate, and the fragility of society.

Key Points

  • Portrays a United States on the brink of collapse and division
  • Follows a group of journalists on a dangerous mission amidst government instability
  • Explores themes of societal breakdown, chaos, and the consequences of division


  • Explores relevant themes of division, societal breakdown, and political turmoil
  • Features strong performances, particularly by Kirsten Dunst
  • Provides a visually striking and intense portrayal of a near-future dystopia


  • May be too intense or despairing for some viewers
  • Lacks subtlety in drawing parallels to current political climate