Advancements in Lung Cancer Treatment and Survival Rates

Denise Lee shares her journey of battling lung cancer, caught early through screening and treated with surgery, immunotherapy, and other advancements in medicine, leading to her remission and survival for six years. New treatments and technology have significantly improved survival rates for lung cancer patients.

Key Points

  • Denise Lee's successful battle against lung cancer with early detection and advanced treatments.
  • Improvements in survival rates due to targeted therapy and immunotherapy.
  • Challenges in increasing screening rates and overcoming stigma associated with lung cancer.


  • Advancements in lung cancer treatments have led to improved survival rates.
  • Targeted therapy and immunotherapy are game-changing treatments for lung cancer.
  • Increased national survival rates by 22% in the past five years.
  • Screening and early detection are crucial in fighting lung cancer.


  • Low screening rates for lung cancer compared to other types of cancer like mammograms.
  • Stigma associated with lung cancer due to its strong link with smoking.