Aerobotics Utilizing AI to Help Fruit and Nut Farmers

South Africa's Aerobotics is using artificial intelligence to help fruit and nut farmers in over 18 countries, with a focus on improving crop yields and efficient water usage. The company's CEO, James Paterson, emphasizes the importance of AI in addressing global food security challenges.

Key Points

  • Aerobotics has mapped over 600,000 acres of U.S. farmland and works with growers to improve yields.
  • The AI system detects irrigation issues, monitors tree health, and predicts crop yield based on data analysis.
  • Aerobotics' CEO, James Paterson, emphasizes the importance of AI in addressing global food security challenges.


  • Aerobotics is helping farmers improve crop yields and utilize water resources more efficiently using AI technology.
  • The AI system saves time by monitoring trees for pests and diseases more quickly than traditional methods.
  • The data-driven approach assists in the production of high-value fruits and nuts, benefiting both farmers and consumers.


  • There may be concerns about over-reliance on AI technology in agriculture, potentially leading to dependency or reduced human involvement.
  • Issues related to data privacy and security could arise from the extensive collection and analysis of farm data.