Bernie Sanders endorsing Joe Biden and the struggle to win over young voters

Four years after Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden, Biden is struggling to win over young voters again. The question remains whether another unity moment is possible in 2024.

Key Points

  • Sanders' continued support for Biden
  • Efforts to build on the unity work started in 2020
  • Challenges faced by Democrats in winning over young voters
  • Importance of Biden taking in critical feedback from young progressives


  • Unity between former rivals Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden
  • Policy proposals crafted to bridge Democratic divides
  • Efforts to appeal to young voters through shared policies
  • Hope for a broad coalition under Biden's leadership


  • Biden's struggle to energize young voters
  • Young voters' disapproval of Biden's job as president
  • Challenges for Biden due to his presidential record
  • Opposition over Biden's support of Israel
  • Need for Biden to deliver on policy outcomes important to young people