Controversy Over American Flag-Themed Uniforms at Dance Event

A Seattle women’s dance squad was not allowed to perform in American flag-themed uniforms at a country dance event because some attendees felt triggered and unsafe. The LGBTQ organization hosting the event deemed the uniforms offensive.

Key Points

  • Borderline Dance Team was asked to change out of their American flag-themed uniforms at the Emerald City Hoedown event
  • The LGBTQ organization hosting the event considered the uniforms offensive due to political and social reasons
  • The team chose to walk out of the event instead of changing clothes


  • Borderline Dance Team stood up for their patriotic uniforms and beliefs
  • Raised awareness about inclusivity and acceptance in diverse communities


  • Some attendees felt triggered and unsafe by the American flag-themed uniforms
  • Event organizers and attendees faced backlash for their actions