Controversy Over Response to State Law Banning DEI Departments at Texas Universities

Texas universities, including Texas A&M, are facing controversy over their response to a state law banning diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) departments on college campuses. Despite the law, universities are accused of reassigning DEI employees to other departments and giving raises, sparking concerns about continued promotion of DEI principles.

Key Points

  • Texas A&M reassigned DEI employees to other departments after the state law was passed
  • Concerns raised about universities trying to continue promoting DEI principles through other positions
  • Republican lawmakers in Texas working to prevent universities from circumventing the anti-DEI law


  • Enforcing state law banning DEI departments on college campuses
  • Ensuring fairness and parity within university departments


  • Accusations of reassigning DEI employees to other departments
  • Giving raises to DEI employees despite the law