Critique of NPR's Bias by Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld criticizes NPR for being staffed entirely by registered Democrats and lacking different perspectives, leading to biased reporting. He highlights instances where NPR withheld accurate stories that could have benefited Trump, and discusses the impact of liberal groupthink and bias on the network's credibility and audience.

Key Points

  • NPR accused of liberal groupthink and bias by a veteran reporter
  • Instances of withholding stories that could benefit Trump
  • Criticism of NPR's lack of diversity in staff and audience
  • Impact of bias on credibility and audience trust


  • Sheds light on potential bias in NPR's reporting
  • Raises awareness about the importance of diverse perspectives in media


  • One-sided perspective from a conservative viewpoint
  • Uses humor and sarcasm to make points, which may not resonate with all audiences