Heat Protections for Outdoor Workers in Florida

SOURCE npr.org
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs a law preventing cities and counties from creating heat protections for outdoor workers, despite extreme heat risks and increasing temperatures in the state. This decision has sparked outrage among activists and workers who have been advocating for basic protections like water, shade, and rest breaks. Federal regulations on heat safety in the workplace are lacking, leaving millions of workers at risk across the country.

Key Points

  • Florida Governor signs law blocking local heat protection rules for outdoor workers
  • Federal regulations on heat safety in the workplace are insufficient
  • Activists and workers express outrage over the decision


  • Efforts by organizations like We-Count and Coalition of Immokalee Workers to ensure safe working conditions for outdoor workers
  • Recognition of the need for heat protections for workers in extreme conditions


  • Florida law prevents cities and counties from implementing heat protection rules for outdoor workers
  • Lack of federal regulations on heat safety in the workplace