Impact of Court Rulings on Abortion and Reproductive Health Care

Former President Donald Trump's attempt to leave the abortion issue to the states backfired when various court rulings kept the topic in the spotlight, affecting the GOP's narrative control and potentially influencing the 2024 election.

Key Points

  • Trump's attempt to leave abortion to the states failed due to court rulings
  • Republican candidates are changing their stance on abortion to avoid extremism
  • The judiciary's influence could impact the 2024 election and future elections


  • Conservatives have successfully stacked the bench with anti-abortion judges
  • Republican candidates are moderating their stance to avoid being labeled as extremists
  • The judicial recruitment apparatus on the right has been effective in promoting conservative judges


  • The court rulings have kept abortion and reproductive health care as major issues for the GOP
  • The rulings could have significant implications for the 2024 presidential race
  • There is a growing divide between socially conservative judiciary and the populist wing of the Republican Party