Impact of Wildfire on Lahaina's Coastal Waters

Hawaii authorities say coastal waters off Lahaina pose no significant health risk after wildfire, but access to some areas is still limited. Scientists are studying the impact of wildfire chemicals on coral reefs.

Key Points

  • Water quality tests show no significant health risk to humans in Lahaina's coastal waters
  • Authorities continue to monitor water quality due to the presence of elevated concentrations of metals in wildfire ash
  • Scientists are using the Maui wildfire as an opportunity to study the impact of chemicals on coral reefs


  • Coastal waters off Lahaina are deemed safe for surfing and swimming
  • Authorities are monitoring water quality and limiting access to affected areas for safety
  • Scientists are studying the impact of wildfire chemicals on delicate reef ecosystems


  • Recreation is still not allowed in certain coastal areas due to ongoing cleanup efforts
  • Residents and visitors are advised to limit exposure to waters off Lahaina
  • Safety of eating fish from Lahaina's waters is not addressed in the announcement